Tuesday, March 25, 2008

*what a great idea*

I feel like vomiting. (though i suppose that's their goal, isn't it?)

'Miss Bimbo' Web Site Sparks Outrage in Britain
(its nothing dirty, its a news article, but be wary...you will be outraged)


Jessica Martiele said...

Holy cow. That could even make a fully grown adult want to take diet pills and get plastic surgery. I appreciate the tongue-in-cheek nature of it...when directed at 30 and 40 somethings who get it...but even then, it's an obscenity. I'm...I'm speechless, and that's unusual for me. Ugh. Thanks for sharing?

Olson Family said...

ok ya... thats awful!

Unknown said...

where do i sign up??? haaaaaaaaaafhdhhahhhhhhaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahaha it was real sad and i was going to comment something cool. but then i read mb's comment and i forgot what i was going to say