Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NAME CHANGE: his name is Mose

this adorable little kitten was found at work and, not wanting it to die, i opted to take it home instead of taking it to the pound. its currently in my bathroom, hiding from my pissy giant cat, Maeby, who hissed at the kitten as soon as i walked in the door, and continued to hiss at me alone. . . she calmed down after i gave her food.

anyway, i believe the kitten is a boy, he looks about 12 weeks, I'm not sure. he has super short hair, with a white belly and paws (like socks). i'm taking him and Maeby to the animal clinic for shots and a check up today after work. we may end up keeping him! i'm excited! he really is so playful and sweet!


Anonymous said...

he was probably supposed to be dissected and now some poor kid has no cat to slice open... whew! once again paige saves the day

Unknown said...

i LOVE cats! Too bad my freakin hubs is allergic. They're so easy to take care of. Your other cat will get used to him after some time. I always had cats growing up and they all seem to get pissy hissy at any newbies.

Jessica Martiele said...

I'd like cats...if they didn't make me miserable. Seriously, Mose is a cutey...but then my nose plugs up and I sneeze like a crazy woman, my throat gets scratchy, my head pounds a little, my eyes get watery and itchy...and it all goes to pot from there. Thanks again for the Benadryl, and keep it handy for tonight, will you? :) Cute kitty, though! Yell at it for Mikayla, will you? (Nya-nya-mmmBA!)