Friday, April 11, 2008

Stereotypical misplaced "cheerleader" type

There is this woman I work with and EVERYTHING that comes out of her mouth, she says like shes asking a question. (you know, she raises the pitch of her voice on the last syllable of the last word of her sentence.) It drives me ca-razy! and my opinion of her intelligence is dropping daily. . . mainly (but not entirely) because of this annoying speech impediment (because that's what it is). am i being unfair? it appears she enjoys lowering other's opinions of her intellect. i have heard her say on numerous occasions she would rather people think of her as a "dork" than a "nerd" because "nerds are all too smart and stuff".

what are your thoughts?

please write in with your opinions.


Anonymous said...

slap her across the face with your sandal

Paige said...

bawhahaha...oh the things that happen in your school...i heart chelsea

Anonymous said...

seriously paige... who checks their blogger at 1205 in the morning. go to bed!

Jessica Martiele said...

I think your husband's right: answer her like she really did ask a question, and when she looks at you weird, say, "Oh, was that not a question? I'm sounded like you were asking a question with your voice going up at the end there..." Heehee.

Amazing, the things about other people's speech that become major pet peeves, huh?

Unknown said...

Ohhh you sooo have to do an impression next time I see you. Your blog just inspired an entry of my own to vent...