Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bradshaw love

i would like to publicly proclaim that they are the best friends a Greenie couple could ask for! not only has Jess been working out with me (i usually end up not going when I'm by myself) but Blake actually went last night (the first time in forever) with Jason. but their trueness has recently been shinning through. as i stated before, Jason drove down to our apartment Saturday morning while Blake was at work and too far to come back, and he helped me (or more accurately i helped him) get broken glass off my seats and mostly off my floors. he talked to insurance guys with me and drove me home from the body place where they were going to fix my window. all of this in a moments notice and all of this interfering with his birthday celebration. in addition to Jason's awesomeness, Jessica took the time out of her day to, not only track my husband down to confirm a time, but packed her little ones in the car to come and pick up my husband and take him to pick up our car from the shop. all without batting an eye or making a big deal...or even allowing us the thank them properly. i love the fact that not only do i absolutely love Jessica, but i adore Jason as well! thank you Bradshaws for being awesome...We love you!


Jessica Martiele said...

Oh my gosh, we love you guys too!!! This is just about the nicest friend-tribute I've ever read, and not only because it's about us! :) (LOL) We seriously love you guys, and if we EVER end up in Dallas, we're buying a house with a mother-in-law apartment for you guys to stay in...'til you have kids, at which time we're pretty sure you'll want your own tromping space. Anyway, y'all rock (trying to take on the Texan already!) and we want to take you guys for Thai Friday night. (Blake said today that he's never had it.) We on? (Then Boleyn?)

Oh...good luck working out today since I can't drag my tired body back to the gym twice in one day. But seriously, call Kim. She's already planning on it.

You guys rock!

Kim said...

Sorry I missed you yesterday Paige. :( I am so ready to stick out the entire class on Tuesday. Sore ribs and all.

Anonymous said...

i guess they are good for SOME stuff ;)

Anonymous said...

man i just had a thought... what if you were really tired and didnt notice the glas was broken and on the seat and you sat on it and the shards got stuck in your butt... i think that would really suck. you would have to sit on one of those butt donuts and sleep on your stomache. EEEEEEEEEEE im glad you saw that glass was broken

Jessica Martiele said...

Okay, not that I don't love reading about how great we something new! And while you're at it, tell Blake to post something new!
