Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm Weak

due to the impatience of my will (exercising, dieting, losing NO weight) and the much prodding of Jessica, i have, as of today, started taking Alli. (i take no pleasure in telling you this, but every thing I've read has told me I'm over weight...drastic actions needed to be taken)...i had fruit for breakfast with my first pill...then, about an hour later, just to see what would happen, i ate a piece of rich chocolate cake...I'm still waiting for the results...


Jessica Martiele said...

I'm not prodding...just suggesting with the added incentive of proof of my own results. So there.

You did WHAT??? Okay, first of all, ONLY take alli when you're actually eating FAT, ie if you're having fruit for breakfast, don't waste a pill. Second, if you're going to experiment with side effects, don't you think that might be wiser on a WEEKEND??? When you have your very own bathroom RIGHT THERE?

So, um...good luck with that.

And I weighed in this morning at 136. :)

Paige said...

...its been about 4 hours...nothing yet...

Kim said...

I would say try Weight watchers...I should be a spokesgirl for it. It is awesome. I still follow the plan it has been 1 yr 5 mo since I started. Totally worth it. I lost 1.5 lbs a week on average. 55 lbs on it total in 9 months.

Anonymous said...

take one then go eat 4 peices of pizza. enjoy that. pft! i tried one of my sisters not knowing how unbelievably gross it would be

Paige said...

i've already dont the WW thing...all i thought about was points and food...it drove me crazy (though when i did stick to it, i did lose weight...but it still drove me crazy)

Cory CL said...

Can you say "Panty-liner?"
Good. Go get one...now.
Hope it works for you...it's sort of a double-edged sword.

Shannon said...

Interesting experiment . . . how'd it work out for you? I am pretty much anti-dieting, so you won't find much experience or support from me. I am not anti-healthy, just anti stressing about food. I mean, really truly, it's just food and our bodies need it and if we eat crap, then well we reap that consequences right? But none of us eat crap all the time, so I figure I'm ok with my life being a little heavier and not ever really worrying about food. :) Sorry for the rant, just my opinion. I do hope that you get the results that you are working for though.

Jessica Martiele said...

Um...8 days since last post, fyi...

Kim said...

Paige you need to update....

The Curnow Family said...

ha I took those before my wedding and I also counted calories because they are a pill to accelerate your weight loss with other diets. It worked really well I lost up to 15 pounds and did pretty good at keeping them off. I would love to start them again but it's that modivation thing! So I commend you for your efforts! I hope it works well for yoU!
Melanie Olson....if you don't get the Curnow! ha